It’s not uncommon to feel fine while running and then afterward feel discomfort or tension low back tension. While it’s not uncommon, it is an indicator that something in the mechanics of running is off and should be addressed and corrected. By the way, the same mechanics can be present […]
Read More...Optimal Body (Posture & Mechanics)
Stomach sleeping can lead to PERMANENT neck pain

Neck pain is a common complaint in the world of bodywork, and the causes are varied. There is one cause of neck pain that stands out differently from the rest, and that’s stomach sleeping. When someone presents with neck pain in my office, and they admit to stomach sleeping I […]
Read More...Plantar fasciitis comes from the pelvis
Have you ever had that gripping sharp pain on the sole of your foot? That’s called plantar fasciitis? Have you tried icing and resting, taking time out of your physical routine, hoping it would go away only to find that soon after you rested the pain returned, sometimes with each […]
Read More...How you drive a car speaks novels about your body
Last week when I picked up my rental car in NYC, I did the usual: checked the seat and moved it up, adjusted the mirrors and located the radio power (very important). What happened next was so revealing about the body’s movement patterns! I noticed the steering column in this […]
Read More...I’ve said it before, massage alone does not resolve pain permanently
Lets chat a moment about: Repatterning Have you ever gone for a great massage to rid some ache or pain and felt terrific afterward, only to feel the same discomfort a few days or a week later? Me too. Early on in my massage career, I found passive work on […]
Read More...Why massage doesn’t work
In 1993 I was out to save the world, one massage at a time. It was a noble effort but one as naive as I was at the time. Early in my career my massage therapy clients were returning week after week with the recurring symptoms and pain, and that […]
Read More...Myths of the bodywork
Has pain ever taken you to your knees? What if there were a lifetime solution? One of the biggest myths about the bodywork that I do is that it’s only for acute pain. This simply isn’t true. Think of the times in your life when you had debilitating pain. Like […]