I’ve said it before, massage alone does not resolve pain permanently

Lets chat a moment about: Repatterning

Have you ever gone for a great massage to rid some ache or pain and felt terrific afterward, only to feel the same discomfort a few days or a week later? Me too.

Early on in my massage career, I found passive work on the table would feel great to but it didn’t change how someone moved. I’d work diligently for an hour with them on the table and they’d stand up, walk out, sit at their desk and sleep the same way they did before they came to see me. These recurring patterns of movement would inevitably bring them back to me the following week with the same pain.

I was on a quest to figure out why.

I first noticed patterning when they’d rise up from the table pulling on the front of their neck. “Oh no no”, I’d say. Those anterior neck muscles are not designed to pull up 100+ lbs from a horizontal position. Let’s move like this: keep your head on the surface, roll to your side, and anchor your SIT bones down first allowing the crown of your head to come up LAST. Most couldn’t do this and none could without instruction at first. It dawned on me that they needed to learn how to move their trunk, identify their SIT bones to do the anchoring and then move differently.

Why is this crucial? The brain is neuroplastic and memorizes patterns similar to a plastic mold. This means how you move most often is what your brain recognizes as a pattern, even if it’s not in your best interest biomechanically.

If you think your movement patterns need updating to prevent injury, don’t wait. Remember, repetition is key to locking in any pattern. Get a good one asap!

With gratitude, with gratitude, with gratitude..


Developer of The Schatz Method™
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