Myths of the bodywork

Has pain ever taken you to your knees? What if there were a lifetime solution?

One of the biggest myths about the bodywork that I do is that it’s only for acute pain.

This simply isn’t true.

Think of the times in your life when you had debilitating pain. Like the kind when you couldn’t stand up without your back seizing. Or when even hobbling on that bum ankle to get ice cream out of the freezer just wasn’t worth the pain. Ever been in pain like that? It stinks, I know. And at times you think the pain will never end and this is your new norm. And your mind flashes forward to the rest of your life as you try to organize how many adjustments you will have to make to accommodate this unwanted reality.


But then someone refers you to an amazing bodywork therapist. She does some different things than your massage therapist did. And she shows you some new ways of sitting and modifies some of the exercises a Physical Therapist gave you years ago. You leave her office with not just a glimmer of hope but of some real pain relief and restored faith that you will return to a pain free life. The sun is shining. You are smiling again, if only on the inside at this point. And you call someone. Because you feel like connecting again – to life.

Doesn’t this leave you feeling like there is just a bit more to the story?

There is.

What if after the acute pain was gone you could learn a few simple but powerful changes to prevent that pain from ever returning? Would you take the time to learn it? While everyone is talking about stress reduction and meditation which may or not apeal to you – what if you could learn a fail proof way to instantly reduce stress in seconds. Would that appeal? Imagine feeling so comfortable in your body that you also begin to feel stronger each day. Like you could take on something new and adventurous. Like a hot yoga class. Or sky diving. Imagine this new found confidence permeating your work. You begin to expand your financial goals creating opportunities that call for celebration. With people you love. Who are happy to see you happy. And this new lifestyle with all of its benefit is your new story after just a few treatments and is totally sustainable.




That is the full spectrum of what structural balancing can do for you.

Individual fabulous life details may vary person to person – you may feel like scaling a mountain instead of sky diving.

Live fabulously,


Developer of The Schatz Method™
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