Leave the past behind

This time of year, the beginning of a new calendar year, is ripe with suggestions of how to improve your life and bustling with new actions of those on the quest to make positive change.

Leave the past behind.

Sometimes the many suggestions and increased activity can be inspiring and motivating.  Sometimes it all can be a bit overwhelming.  Like walking through the lights and crowds of Times Square on a Friday night.

Do this!  Start now!  Don’t miss out!

My suggestion is to get quiet, go inside and listen to your inner compass.  Once you are clear, take action.  Life will move on with you on board, or not.  Be sure your choices are your own.  After all, life is short and there is no time to be squandering our dreams and time for any reason.

Life is much more fun when we live our best lives fully anyway.

When my Dad died unexpectedly, I truly understood the concept of paradox.  The world as I knew it felt like it ended into a black hole yet the way I saw things and approached my life was new and unfamiliar all at the same time.  I learned a lot at that time, a lifetime’s worth of wisdom in fact.

Some highlights: life is short, craft it as you desire, don’t wait.  For anything.  In addition to following your heart, express it to everyone who matters to you.  Often.  Everything that feels big and challenging really isn’t when put into perspective.  Life can always up the ante for you and at the most unexpected time.  Be sure when it does you haven’t wandered too far off course.

So maybe the Mayans were right and the world as we knew it has ended.  Maybe we are simply at the beginning of another calendar year with all the possibility that brings.  Either way, it’s always the right time to start anew.


In good health,

Developer of The Schatz Method™
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