Give Up Perfection and Choose Optimal

I’m positive that choosing optimal is the best thing you can do for your health and your life.  As a wellness advocate I’m here to spark the fire in you to take the first step.  Or the next right step.

When you feel at the top of your game, more goodness is naturally attracted to you.  When you feel good you look good and when you look good you feel good.  It’s a self-induced catch 22 of the highest order.

First let’s talk about what choosing optimal is NOT:

Optimal does not mean highest or pinnacle. It’s not perfection.  It means “best or most efficient level of something and can vary in strength or intensity over a range of values”.

For example if you have zero blood pressure it should be clear that you are a corpse. If you have the highest blood pressure ever recorded it should be clear that you are probably close to becoming a corpse. Optimal blood pressure is the VERY BEST blood pressure you can have given your present activity level, for maintaining proper blood flow with minimal stress on the circulation and the body in general.

Think of it this way: more is not always better.

Optimal is the goal.

And now, why you may not want to choose optimal:choose-optimal-300x300

Well, it requires patience sometimes. Getting to the top of your game is not an overnight event; it’s a step by step process.

Choosing optimal may not always feel sexy or fun.  Most people would rather spend money on a tool they perceive will garner results, rather than spend energy on learning a new behavior.

But choosing optimal is completely doable and dare I say life altering.

With these easy peasy options, how can you say no?

Choose optimal nutrition might mean adding fruits and vegetables.  Or maybe you’ve got a balanced diet but still have a sweet tooth.  Choosing optimal nutrition for you might be to add more water before reaching for sugar.  What is optimal in nutrition is varied and as unique as each of us.  Don’t let anyone tell you it’s their way or the dogmatic highway.  There are some universal truths for all of us and then there is an optimal plan for you that supports where you are and your goals.

Choose optimal mindset doesn’t have to mean 30 minutes of silent meditation per day.  Super human Tony Robbins does create an optimal mindset Every. Single. Day. But for him, silent meditation doesn’t work.  What is optimal is what gets you to that still place where your intuition and your heart are speaking as loudly (or louder hopefully) as the thoughts in your head.  There are lots of options from walking meditation & labyrinth (my personal favorite), listening to something uplifting like Sanskrit chanting or the teachings of Abraham and more.  Choosing optimal means picking, and implementing, the one that fully works for you.

Choose optimal alignment because it can literally heal your physical body.  What is optimal alignment for me as a very limber yogi currently not experiencing any injuries or restrictions (woo hoo!) is very different than what is optimal alignment for someone two weeks post-surgery.  Both require awareness. No need to wait until you are fully healed to address your alignment.  Start right now remembering that aligning your structure can expedite your healing.  And always work with a skilled practitioner.

With all things #optimal, I’d like to abolish the all or nothing approach:  waiting for some particular state before starting a new way of being thinking the circumstances should be perfect before making the effort.

No, no.  Start today.

With every step on a path you get closer to the goal. Rather than reaching for perfection,

  1. Start where you are
  2. Bring awareness to one thing
  3. Choose an optimal behavior

Hang with it until it becomes a habit.  It won’t take very long.

Added bonus:  with each optimal change made, the rewards are yours and they are permanent.

In optimal health,