There is a lot of talk out there right now about standing desks vs. sitting desks and which is better to use at work. This conversation reminds me of the one about ergonomic desk chairs vs. therapy balls as chair replacements that was popular a decade ago. Of course, as […]
Read More...Optimal Body (Posture & Mechanics)
Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, Massage therapist – who to see?

It can be confusing to know which type of practitioner to see when your body needs help. There are those of us who are waving the flag of holistic medicine and encourage treating yourself holistically. Yet, in the same breath I’m suggesting that not one practitioner has all of the […]
Read More...Is Body Language Causing Your Aches & Pains?

In the previous two articles we explored body language, other non-verbal communication and how the world perceives you through both. But how does body language contribute to physical aches and pain? The connection may surprise you. Recently I met with a client who had major neck and upper shoulder pain. […]
Read More...Body Language is Stronger than Verbal Language

You’ve probably heard that body language says a lot about a person, but have you ever wondered what your body language says about you? In fact, would you be willing to consider that your body language has, at different times, affected your friendships, interactions with co-workers and directly impacted the […]
Read More...Sometimes the Body Is Not The Problem
What comes to mind when you hear the term Psycho somatic? Webster’s defines it as “a physical illness or other condition caused or aggravated by a mental factor such as internal conflict or stress.” There was a time when the term “psycho somatic” was used as a dismissal (or worse) […]
Read More...Hot & Cold
Warmer weather gets people moving and sometimes that comes with soreness. I often hear folks using ice or heat to nurture their sore muscles, but sometimes the recipe is off. Here are some guidelines to understand when to use ice and when to use heat. First, both moist heat and […]
Read More...Your Most Complex Exercise pt3
Changing your gait while you are in it is difficult, but there are some keys to optimize that swagger. So far in this series we’ve covered functional tips that are preconditioning if you will – ways to strengthen and pattern your body before taking that first step. Today we’re going to explore two new tips […]
Read More...Walking: the Most Complex Exercise pt2 + prevent hip trouble later

We’ve been talking about walking and all of it’s complexity. Today the focus is the feet and what you can do to increase the power in your walk and prevent hip trouble in the future. Did you know that that is the number one way the senior population are susceptible […]
Read More...Walking: Your Most Complex Exercise pt1

Walking is truly a complex and full body exercise. It can strengthen your hips, tone your bum, flatten your belly and more. It involves balance, agility, core flexibility. Walking can be a healing exercise for your musculoskeletal system and joints, or it can create low back, hip and knee injuries […]
Read More...Is running good for you?
It’s running season! This time of year the trails along the Hudson are more and more full each morning as the weather warms and the sun rises earlier. I find myself watching every runner and their gate completely mesmerized by the mechanics and how different they are person to person. […]