It’s not uncommon to feel fine while running and then afterward feel discomfort or tension low back tension. While it’s not uncommon, it is an indicator that something in the mechanics of running is off and should be addressed and corrected. By the way, the same mechanics can be present […]
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Terrible Yoga Assists
One of the most challenging aspects of yoga instruction that I hear as an anatomy educator are directions that set students up for potential injury. A common one is ‘melt your heart’ which sounds lovely from a strictly philosophical standpoint. I would add that this is a fine verbal instruction […]
Read More...Are you utilizing all of your strength?
There are over 600 skeletal muscles in the body. That’s a lot, right? Did you know that at this very moment you’re not using most of [the 600 skeletal muscles in your body] them? Even if you work out regularly. (In a minute I’ll give you some quick and easy tips […]
Read More...Are you safe while you sleep?
Last time we explored why stomach sleeping is so damaging to the neck. I received a lot of response from folks who legitimately have difficulty sleeping, or falling asleep, in any position other than their stomach. The reason traces to Eastern medicine where the meridians of the body map the […]
Read More...Stomach sleeping can lead to PERMANENT neck pain

Neck pain is a common complaint in the world of bodywork, and the causes are varied. There is one cause of neck pain that stands out differently from the rest, and that’s stomach sleeping. When someone presents with neck pain in my office, and they admit to stomach sleeping I […]
Read More...Commitment
Two weeks ago my super assistant and I were in Atlanta at the American Chiropractic and Massage Conference. When I walked in the exhibit hall for the first time, I saw a myriad of booths around the room that brought me to a familiar place of belonging, although I’d never […]
Read More...Are your workouts a waste of time?
Have you been working out and not getting results? Have you decided it’s a sign of aging and that maybe you’re just not putting yourself in the game like you used to? What if your efforts are more than enough and the problem is in your brain? When the body […]
Read More...As powerful as 2 degrees of water
I just spent 5 days immersed in business master mind with some of the most powerful women I’ve known in my lifetime. Each day each of them (us) gets up and pushes to the edge of our comfort zone to create change and leave our mark on the world. Some […]
Read More...How do you put value on the things you can purchase?
How do you put value on the things you can purchase? It’s tricky, right? Housing costs from coast to coast vary greatly but does that mean one home is less valuable than another? What about fuel? Also expensive but can you put a value on travel? Is there a price associated with seeing the wonders […]
Read More...Plantar fasciitis comes from the pelvis
Have you ever had that gripping sharp pain on the sole of your foot? That’s called plantar fasciitis? Have you tried icing and resting, taking time out of your physical routine, hoping it would go away only to find that soon after you rested the pain returned, sometimes with each […]