As powerful as 2 degrees of water

I just spent 5 days immersed in business master mind with some of the most powerful women I’ve known in my lifetime.  Each day each of them (us) gets up and pushes to the edge of our comfort zone to create change and leave our mark on the world.  Some days that is easier than others and everyday it requires a conscious choice to take action.  It can feel easier to remain in inaction, or paralyzed by fear, or convinced that our ‘old way’ is the easier way.  But the truth is your heart can only be free and your spirit alive when you push past the limitations and move through the obstacles to get to the other side.

What happens on the days when it feels all the obstacles are stacked against us, the wall is too high and the rubble too dense?

One of my master minders taught me about a scientific study about hurricanes.  These torrential forces of nature can do a whole lot of damage and I don’t know anyone who welcomes them to cross their path along with the destruction they leave behind.  The scientific study behind them is that if the water is warmed by just 2 degrees, the entire storm dissipates.  Imagine that!  So, the next time a hurricane force obstacle comes barreling toward you, here’s what to do:  remind yourself you only need to be as strong as 2 degrees of warmer water and the whole thing can be over in an instant.

Chillin’ in the warm water,


Developer of The Schatz Method™
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